Treating Customers Fairly
As a responsible broker, registered and regulated by the FCA, Pegasus Finance always have the customer at it's heart.
Ensuring that you receive the best quality service, Pegasus Finance strive to provide the most suitable, affordable loan for your requirements, hassle free.
Responsible Lending
Pegasus Finance is a trading style of The Car Loan Warehouse. The Car Loan Warehouse Limited is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FCA Firm Reference Number 662397. As a responsible broker we are committed to applying the FCA’s principle of Treating Customers Fairly in all areas of our business activities to achieve the following outcomes:
Our customers can be confident that they are dealing with a company where the treatment of customers is central to our company culture;
The products offered are designed to meet the needs of identified consumer groups/types and are targeted accordingly;
Our customers are provided with clear information and are kept appropriately informed before and during the whole process of arranging the loan;
Where our customers receive advice, the advice is suitable and takes account of their personal circumstances;
Our customers are provided with products that perform as we have led them to expect, and the associated service is of an acceptable standard;
Our customers do not face unreasonable post-sale barriers imposed by us to change a product, switch provider, submit a claim or make a complaint.
All our advisors have successfully completed their SAF tests as set out by the Finance and Leasing Association (FLA) and they follow the FLA Lending Code. This code sets out standards of good practice for the finance industry and provides our customers with reassurance that they are dealing with a reputable organisation.
Customer Complaints Procedure
Pegasus Finance takes pride in treating customers fairly and strives to provide first-class customer service. However, if the standard of service falls short of your expectations or if you are unhappy with our products, please make your views known to us. In order to make a complaint, contact us in any of the following ways:
By e-mail: [email protected]
By phone: 0800 066 2882
By post:
Pegasus Finance Technology House Station Road Alton Hampshire GU34 2PZThe complaint investigation is free of charge.
Our Commitment To You
Our aim is to provide a satisfactory solution as speedily as possible. We will investigate your complaint competently, diligently and impartially and try to solve the problem on the day of its receipt. All complaints will be investigated by an individual with sufficient competence who was not directly involved in the matter giving rise to the complaint.
If the complaint cannot be resolved in the first 24 hours, we will issue you with a written acknowledgement of your complaint within 5 business days of its receipt. A copy of the firm’s Complaint Handling Procedure will be included with the acknowledgement letter.
The person responsible for the investigation of the complaint will examine, in detail, all documentation in relation to the complaint and will interview, where appropriate, any staff with an involvement in the content of the complaint. Communication with any connected parties will be fully recorded on the complaint file as will copies of all correspondence. Additional information will be requested as necessary to investigate the complaint fully and you will be kept informed about the progress of the complaint.
Final Response
We will either provide our final response to your complaint within four weeks of receipt or, if we are unable to complete your enquiry within that time, we will inform you of;
- The reason for the delay
- When we anticipate being able to make further contact. This must be within eight weeks of receipt of the complaint.
By the end of eight weeks after receipt of a complaint, we will issue a final response, or if we are not in a position to issue a final response, we will send you a letter explaining;
- the reason for the continued delay
- when we anticipate to be able to provide a final response
- your right to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service – we will enclose a copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service’s leaflet explaining the process and providing you with the necessary details
Our deadline for responding to complaints regarding discretionary commission arrangements is September 2024, in-line with the FCA announcement from 11/01/2021, as the FCA has paused the 8-week deadline for providers to respond to complaints about car finance involving this type of commission.
Our final response will:
- Explain clearly whether the complaint has been upheld or rejected.
- Provide details of the results of our investigations into the matters raised.
- Explain the reasons for our decision.
- Where appropriate, offer redress (redress need not be financial and could include, for example; an apology)
- Provide details of the right of referral to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) (Regulated Agreements Only) and include FOS leaflet “Your Complaint and the Ombudsman”.
The response will also indicate that you have a six month timescale to refer the matter to the Ombudsman, which commences on the date that the final response is issued by us. The deadline for taking your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman for discretionary commission models is up to 15 months if you were sent a final response between 12th July 2023 and 20th November 2024.
The result of the investigation will be entered into the Complaint Register.
A complaint will be deemed closed;
- Once our investigation has been completed and a Final Response Letter has been issued; or
- Where you as the complainant have indicated in writing acceptance of our earlier response, where appropriate
Your Rights
If you are dissatisfied with our final response, you can either ask us to reconsider or you can refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service
Eight weeks after us being in receipt of your complaint, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, if we have replied or not.
If you decide to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, you must do this within 6 months of the date we issue our final response to you, or 15 months if the complaint was regarding the discretionary commission arrangement. After this time the Ombudsman may refuse to consider the matter.
Financial Ombudsman Service Contact Details
The Financial Ombudsman ServiceExchange Tower
London E14 9SR
Helpline tel: 0800 0234 567
Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk