Document Uploader
Sending us your documents securely couldn't be simpler or quicker. If you have any problems, drop us a line.
It couldn't be simpler. All we require are clear, full size copies of the documents requested by your advisor, we just need to verify your identity and details.
Sending Documents
Please provide the documents requested by your Pegasus Finance adviser following the guidelines below. Our lenders are very particular about the way these documents are presented and if these guidelines are not adhered to it may delay funds being transferred.
All copies of documents MUST be FULL SIZE and CLEAR.
If you need help to reduce image file sizes, READ THIS ARTICLE
All copies must show the whole document without any missing edges or out of focus. In order to comply, we suggest you scan and then upload your documents via the button below.
This great little app for iPhone or Android is free, easy to use and produces great scans directly from your smart phone.
We have no financial interest in recommending this app, we simply think it’ll help you scan and send your documents. Read more…
Upload Here
Simply complete the form below to send us your documents.
Quick, Easy Approval
On average loans are approved within 60 minutes of submitting your details to us